Arm wrestling

Do Right Handed Arm Wrestlers Ever Compete Against Left Handed People?

Just like many other combat sports, arm wrestlers generally need to play in different divisions depending on whether they are left or right-handed. It is known that most humans are right-handed meaning that arm wrestling competitions will be filled with right-handed wrestlers. For that reason, right-handed arm wrestlers are more common, and such divisions are

Do Right Handed Arm Wrestlers Ever Compete Against Left Handed People? Read More »

Is Arm Wrestling Strength or Technique?

This question generates confusion when evaluating this sport. It is an important question, but it does not have an exact answer. Strength and technique are aspects that define this sport, however, sometimes strength can be more important and sometimes technique. Prominent fighters suggest that strength is developed in the gym, while the technique is learned

Is Arm Wrestling Strength or Technique? Read More »